Dupa cum zice si zicala “all good things come to and end” … se pare ca aceasta se aplica in cazul Sandrei Oh. Actrita va parasi serialul ce a consacrat-o dupa terminarea sezonului 10.

Sandra a declarat pentru The Hollywood Reporter: “Creatively, I really feel like I gave it my all, and I feel ready to let her go, It’s such an interesting thing to play a character for so long and to actually get the sense that she wants to be let go as well. [Cristina] wants to be let go, and I am ready to let her go. We have to start the process, story-wise, for the Grey’s writers to think of why she’s going to go. I seriously think I need that much support over processing it over this next year for me to be able to leave fully and leave in a way that I feel like Cristina deserves. For the first time, at least for my character, you actually have an endpoint, which in series television you never or very rarely have.

Pe scurt actrita considera ca a facut tot ceea ce se putea cu personajul ei, Cristina, si ca e timpul ca ea si personajul acesteia sa mearga mai departe. Sunt curioasa cum se va termina povestea Cristinei, sper ca nu in acelasi mod tragic in care s-au terminat alte povesti in serial, poate asa va avea ocazia sa se intoarca la un eventual final al serialului.

Pe scurt creatoarea serialului a dat de inteles ca povestea Cristinei Yang a fost o poveste frumoasa si va face tot ce poate pentru a ramane asa. Din interviu reiese ca “despartirea” este mai mult decat amiabila si Cristina va pleca din serial intr-un mod frumos, lasand in urma doar lucruri bune. Shonda spune intr-un extras din interviu: “The minute Sandra and I started talking about this, we have a story that we want to tell and we want to tell it really well, and that story isn’t about her leaving the show as much as it is Cristina Yang’s growth as a person and as a surgeon. Cristina Yang is not going to magically decide she wants babies, no.” 

Trebuie sa recunosc, o sa-mi fie greu sa o vad pe Meredith fara Cristina, o sa-mi lipseasca dinamica pe care cele doua o au in Grey’s Anatomy.

Ce parere aveti despre plecarea Sandrei?